The Numen Project

Reimagining masculinity for the twenty-first century through embodied performance.

Dance scholar and artist “moving minds, moving bodies and moving souls” to advance transformational social change and policies.

Numen Project workshops introduce participants to Broomfield’s trademark way of experiencing gender from an embodied perspective. The workshop intends to make explicit, what has historically been implicit to boys and men, the role of the body in understanding gender and the performance of masculinity. The Numen Project makes a case for centering boys and men’s lived experiences from diverse backgrounds that advocates for awareness and action on how gender and its performance shapes all spheres of life—from the personal, social and professional.

Workshop Objectives

In the Numen Project professional consultations, participants will:

1. Learn new ways to think about masculinity in the lives of men and boys from diverse backgrounds and experiences.

2. Learn about gender from an embodied approach.

3. Gain insights about the performance of gender through the facilitation of movement practice exercises.

4. Learn how to apply critical approaches to gender performance and representation in media.

5. Center the bodily awareness to understanding gender in social and cultural contexts.

6. Increase cultural competency and literacy related to gender, its embodiment and performance.